Summer Term 2025 – Time to Sign Up!
Summer 2025
We look forward to launching our Summer harmonica courses and club activities after the Spring break. Details of our teaching plan and theme are below, along with instructions on how to sign up for music sessions.
First timer?
Welcome! Simply click the Gold Harmonica on our homepage, complete your details, and we will email further details. Our email will explain how to enroll, what kit you’ll need, our dates and the cost of joining. We’re also here to answer your questions, so do feel free call or email using our Contact page.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, or through our Store using a credit/debit card (no need to log in). We regret that we are unable to accept childcare vouchers. Further information, including our account details, is available on our How To Pay page.
Spring Teaching Plan
Our theme for the Summer term is a continuation of our pop and rock music topic. Among our favourite tunes are Shut Up And Dance, Uptown Funk, Louie Louie, Low Rider, Blowing In The Wind, Super Trouper, That’s The Way I Like It, Take On Me, Paranoid, and Killing Me Softly.
Our special Musical Element this term is Dynamics. We’ll investigate degrees of loud and soft sound, and their Italian terms. We’ll also learn to use crescendo (getting louder) and diminuendo (getting softer) in our playing.
Dates for your diary
We provide 10 (sometimes 11) sessions per term. You can check the timetable for your School in our My School menu. It’s good to note these on your calendar; we don’t always start back during the first week of school and often finish before the end of term. Don’t get caught out!
Do you have all your basic kit?
Now is a good time to check your harmonica kit. As a minimum, each student should have:
• At least one working harmonica (KS1 4 hole Speedy, KS2 10 hole Airwave)
• A diary or notebook with blank entries and a pen
• An A4 music folder
New kit and harmonicas can be ordered in our online Store. No log in is required to browse or place orders. Please note that if you have taken part in sessions and are moving up to Y2, you need to order a 10 hole Suzuki Airwave harmonica for our Y3-6 programme. Grown ups are welcome to supply their own notebook, pen and folder. Alternatively items can be ordered individually, or as a Music Pack. We look forward to making music with you this term.