Terms & Conditions

Purple (No Slogan)

Please take a moment to check the following information, as it explains how Harp Academy works. Once you have read through and agree to the terms and conditions, we would ask you to register your confirmation by clicking the Golden Harmonica and completing our on-line form.

Lesson Schedule
In line with other music service providers, Harp Academy runs 10 harmonica sessions each complete school term (30 sessions each academic year). The dates for every school are published on the Harp Academy website for easy reference and emailed to parents and school staff at the start of each term (Autumn, Spring and Summer). It is not uncommon for newcomers to Harp Academy to assume that harmonica lessons take place every week, throughout each term. We would respectfully point out that this is not the case. We would also emphasise that it is the responsibility of everyone involved with Harp Academy (Harp Academy Staff, Parents, Carers, and Harp Academy’s counterparts at School), to ensure that careful note is made of our termly dates. Harp Academy cannot be held responsible for the welfare of children outside its published teaching schedule.

Lesson Subscriptions
All lessons must be paid for in advance. A subscription is payable for every child participating, whether registered or not. A sibling discount is available. Full details of lesson costs and how to pay are set out on our How To Pay page. Please note that equipment costs are additional.

Missed Subscriptions
Harp Academy does not issue automatic payment reminders. It is the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to ensure that lesson subscriptions are kept to date and paid for in advance. This can be done termly in full (Autumn, Spring and Summer) or half termly. Non-payment is taken as an indication that a parent/carer wishes to withdraw their child/children from Harp Academy lessons. Harp Academy reserves the right not to teach or include a child in harmonica sessions when a subscription has not been paid. Where failure to pay is through reasonable oversight, as soon as any arrears are rectified, and settlement for further lessons is made in advance, a child is welcome to continue harmonica sessions, subject to a place being available.

Music Equipment
When you join Harp Academy you will need to budget for some basic music kit. Every child needs the minimum of their harmonica, a notebook/music diary, and an A4 pocket folder. You can provide your own diary and folder, or you can order a standard Music Pack in our online Store. Students should bring their kit to every lesson. KS2 students will need to order a 10 hole harmonica in addition to their free 4 hole starter harmonica; these can be ordered individually in our online Store or as part of our standard Music Pack. Orders must be paid for before items can be issued. Kit is delivered to your child at school and we require a minimum 48 hours notice. For reasons of hygiene, harmonicas cannot be lent or borrowed.

Music Diary
This is an essential piece of kit for all Harp Academy students. It’s where we record our mission (homework) at the end of each lesson and students must bring their diary/notebook to every session. You can order one through our online Store individually, as part of our standard Music Pack, or you can provide your own. If a diary is lost or filled, a new one should be provided or ordered through our Store to ensure continuity of learning.

A4 Pocket Folder
This is our other essential kit item. You can order one through our online Store individually as part of our standard Music Pack, or you can provide your own. Ring binders, carrier bags and single clear plastic inserts are not recommended.

Non-provision of lessons owing to events beyond our control
Occasionally events beyond our control may mean that a lesson cannot be provided by Harp Academy as scheduled. Examples we have encountered include unexpected school closure, adverse weather conditions, strike action, Ofsted inspection, SATs, school trips, visiting authors or performers, school projects, school performances, and late notice of school Inset day changes. This list is not exclusive. In such circumstances, parents will be informed as soon as possible by email, text or telephone call. Where possible, as a gesture of goodwill and without extra cost, Harp Academy will endeavour to organise a replacement session, assembly playback or similar with agreement from School. This will be reconfirmed with parents/carers by email from Harp Academy and published on the Harp Academy website for reference. In the event that a replacement session or playback cannot be provided, for whatever reason, no refund will be due.

Non-provision of lessons owing to harmonica teacher sickness
Occasionally a harmonica teacher falling ill may mean that a harmonica music session cannot be provided by Harp Academy as scheduled. Where possible, and without extra cost, Harp Academy will endeavour to organise a replacement session during the same term. If this is not possible for any reason (e.g. owing to timetable compression at the end of term), an assembly or classroom playback, or similar activity, will be arranged instead. If none of these options is available for any reason, a refund of the cost of the missed session(s) will be offered, or alternatively credit of the cost of  the missed session(s) to be redeemed the following school term. Remedial arrangements and options will be reconfirmed with parents/carers by email from Harp Academy and new dates published on the Harp Academy website for reference.

Sessions cancelled or interrupted on the day
From time to time school activities and circumstances can interrupt the delivery of our scheduled harmonica session on the day. If Harp Academy is notified in writing far enough in advance by the school (at least two weeks) with sufficient time to reschedule the whole group’s harmonica lesson, we will endeavour to do this on a whole group basis. We regret that we do not reschedule lessons for individual players, and no refund will be due to individuals in this scenario.

In the event that Harp Academy is on site as scheduled, and no advance notice of an interruption has been received, we will make every effort to locate and bring missing students to their harmonica session. If however, despite Harp Academy’s best efforts, students are unable to attend their session (in part or in full), or are prevented in doing so by a school staff member’s decision or oversight, or a decision or oversight by the school management, no refund will be due from Harp Academy. In such circumstances, parents/carers should take up any concerns directly with the school. Some examples are SATs, Ofsted inspections, school events, school trips, sports days, class projects, special occasions, visiting authors or performers, disciplinary action, class teacher’s decision or oversight, supply teacher’s decision or oversight, school management or governors’ decision or oversight, or children choosing not to attend for personal reasons. This list is not exclusive.

Acts of God
In the event that a harmonica session cannot take place owing to (but not limited to) structural dangers, burst pipes, fire, snow, flood or other natural disasters, epidemic and pandemic, lockdown, acts of terrorism, and civil unrest, war or Acts of God, no refund will be due. This list is not exclusive. Such eventualities are beyond our control.

Epidemic, Pandemic, Lockdown and similar
In times of epidemic, pandemic, lockdown or similar, where school management, local government, or national government directives mean we are temporarily unable to deliver harmonica sessions at school, subscribers will have the option of a refund for the remainder of their course, credit towards future sessions (to be provided once normal operational conditions resume), or receive the remainder of their course in weekly pre-recorded online lessons to use at home. Where subscribers opt for lessons online at home, normal subscription conditions will continue to apply for each participating child; this includes siblings receiving the same lesson link. Should subscriptions not be received for any reason, Harp Academy reserves the right to interrupt or cease the supply of ongoing weekly lessons online. Should Harp Academy have good reason to believe that online lesson links have been, or are being, shared with non-subscribers, an invoice will be raised to recover the lost revenue. Failure to pay for services used, or shared, may result in legal action.

Duty of care
Harp Academy provides harmonica and music learning in the following formats: daytime small-group lessons, lunchtime clubs, after-school clubs, whole class learning and one-to-one lessons. In each case, collective responsibility for ensuring a child attends their class is shared by Harp Academy, the child, the child’s parents/carers and the School itself. Harp Academy emails reminders to parents and Schools each term, detailing session dates and any other important information. Schedules are also published on our website (My School menu). If a child refuses to attend their session, cannot be located at school, or is absent from their session for no apparent reason, all reasonable effort will be made to establish their safe whereabouts and include them. Where this is not possible, despite due procedure and our very best endeavours, no refund will be due.

Attendance reminders
We ask that, as a parent/carer, you ensure your child’s normal Class Teacher and School Office Staff are aware that your child is taking part in Harp Academy. We also ask that you remind your child about their harmonica session each week and ensure they bring their complete music kit, including a serviceable harmonica, a music diary (with sufficient empty entry spaces) and an A4 pocket music folder. In particular, we ask for parental assistance in reminding children about their attendance at lunchtime clubs.

Managing non-attendance
Every Harp Academy session begins with group Registration. If a child is absent at Registration, their Harp Academy Teacher will do everything they can to ascertain the child’s safe whereabouts before the lesson continues and, where possible, secure their participation in the lesson. Harp Academy Teachers will not normally leave their group unsupervised in order to search for an absentee, however they do have contingency plans to summons help.

Harp Academy will never force a child to join in a harmonica class against their will. Where a child manifestly refuses to attend their session, the Harp Academy Teacher will ensure the child is accounted for and left safely under the supervision of a School staff member or responsible adult. Harp Academy will record the reason for non-attendance and contact the child’s parents/carers the same day where possible. If a child chooses not to attend a harmonica session, no refund will be due. If a child chooses not to attend on a second occasion, concurrently or otherwise, parent’s will automatically be contacted by a Harp Academy and the best way forward will be agreed. If a child forgets their harmonica, they should still attend their session as they fall under Harp Academy’s duty of care and there are many ways they can still actively take part in, and benefit from, their session (further details are available on this website).

From time to time, without notifying the School or Harp Academy, parents collect their child after school when their child would normally be attending an after-school harmonica club session. This goes against our safeguarding mandate and interrupts the flow of the club session for the remainder of the group. We would ask that parents notify their Harp Academy Teacher directly in the first instance, or else via the school office. Failure to do so (successively or cumulatively) on three or more occasions, and without good reason, will result in Harp Academy cancelling the child’s subscription and no refund will be due.

Withdrawal from lessons
Children can stop harmonica lessons at any point during the term. Harp Academy asks for one month’s notice in writing (an email or text is acceptable). On receipt of written notice of withdrawal, Harp Academy will review the parent’s/carer’s account and any balance exceeding the period of notice will be refunded. Please be aware that we are unable to recycle or refund the value of instruments and equipment.

Where a child is absent from school through illness and misses their lesson, this will be recorded on our register. We regret that we are unable to refund the lesson value, or provide a replacement session, without a minimum seven days’ notice in writing (emails or texts are acceptable). In cases of ongoing long-term illness (two or more weeks), parents/carers should contact Harp Academy management, whereupon options can be discussed and agreed.

Family Holidays
Where non-attendance is anticipated owing to a family holiday, Harp Academy requires a minimum 14 days’ written notice (emails and texts are acceptable). Where notice is received, the value of the missed lesson(s) will be credited to the parent/carer’s account. The credit can be set against the following term’s fees, or refunded at the end of the term/academic year.  Where written notice is not forthcoming, no refund will be due.

School Trips
Responsibility for informing Harp Academy of anticipated non-attendance owing to a School Trip is the responsibility of the child’s parent/carer. Harp Academy requires a minimum 14 days written notice (texts and emails are acceptable). Unfortunately the Harp Academy team cannot rely on school office staff to warn them of each school trip. Where written notice is received 14 days or more in advance, the lesson will be rolled-over to a later date, or the lesson value will be credited, or a refund will be offered if no further dates are available (e.g. at the end of the academic year).

Forgotten equipment
If a child forgets their instrument and/or equipment, they should still come to their Harp Academy class and no refund will be due. Harp Academy is unable to lend harmonicas as this is unhygienic and unsafe, but children will still actively participate in their session in a musical manner. Ways in which this will be achieved are set out on our website. On the first occasion of a child forgetting their equipment, the Harp Academy Teacher will assume this is a one-off event and manage the situation accordingly, suggesting ways in which the student can take ownership and raise matters with their responsible adult(s) at home. The student’s age and learning needs will of course be taken into consideration too. Parents/Carers will not automatically be informed on this first occasion. On a second occasion, concurrently or otherwise, parents/carers will be contacted by a Harp Academy team member and a practical way forward will be agreed.

Disruptive behaviour
If a child is disruptive during their harmonica class, the Harp Academy Teacher will immediately address the child’s behaviour in a fair and respectful manner: the integrity and welfare of the group as a whole will be their priority. If the bad behaviour continues, while the child concerned will be included in activities as far as possible, management of the situation may require temporary or complete exclusion; any sanctions will be reasonable, respectful and proportionate. Parents will not automatically be informed on the first occasion of disruptive behaviour, unless the magnitude or circumstances necessitate. Instead, Harp Academy will exercise benefit of doubt, remind the child concerned what constitutes appropriate and acceptable behaviour, and view the occasion as a one-off event. If a child is disruptive a second time however, concurrently or otherwise, parents will be informed and a way forward will be jointly agreed.

Should the management of disruptive behaviour in class warrant partial exclusion from a session’s activities, no refund will be due. If the only reasonable course of action is to completely exclude a child from the class, they will be left in the care of another responsible staff member, and no refund will be due. Parents will be informed at the first available opportunity, normally the same day, and a way forward will be jointly agreed.

Special learning needs
Harp Academy has a policy of inclusion for children with physical or hidden disabilities, special learning needs, special medical needs, or any other special learning criteria (e.g. religion). However, we do ask parents to inform us directly, as School cannot be relied upon to pass this information to us. The child’s particular needs will be held in confidence and the best way to foster their learning development will be discussed with their parents. If it is agreed that Harp Academy is not equipped to provide the duty of care and educational development to foster a child’s needs, and a qualified one-to-one helper is unavailable, participation may not be possible for purely practical reasons. Harp Academy does not sponsor the exclusion of children for reasons of race, religion, colour, ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight or disability.

After-School Clubs: Late Collection of Children
It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to collect their child/children on time at the end of every after-school harmonica session. Harp Academy teachers usually have further teaching commitments and/or parking time-limits. Any anticipated delay in collecting a child must be communicated to the Harp Academy Teacher straight away. This can be done via the School Office or via the main Harp Academy mobile number (as advertised on Harp Academy’s promotional literature and the Contact page of this website). If parent/career lateness is repeated (two occasions or more), and the Harp Academy Teacher is unable to leave a child in the safe adult care of school staff, the parent/carer will incur a charge per child for child minding services. This charge will be a minimum of current Musician Union 1:1 hourly teaching rate pro rata, any parking fine incurred, and any loss of earnings from ensuing teaching commitments that day. Harp Academy and the parent/carer will also agree the best way forward for future lessons; this agreement will be confirmed and agreed in writing.

Assembly Performances
From time to time Harp Academy will organise a playback performance in School Assembly. Where this is the case, the assembly performance may replace a classroom lesson missed for unexpected operational reasons and parents will be advised by email. Players and parents/carers should appreciate that performances are representative of our termly work. They will be fun, but are not a virtuoso recital. As we do not wish to invoke any undue anxiety, we do not force those who are unsure to take part, but will encourage them to sit with us and observe the performance process. Please note that some Schools do not allow parental attendance at playbacks. Please also note that Harp Academy has a schedule of public events where harmonica students of all ages and ability can take part.

Use of Mobile Phones
In the interests of safeguarding, we ask all parents and visitors not to use their mobile phones or other mobile devices on harmonica club or harmonica lesson premises. Taking of photographs by parents or visitors is strictly prohibited. If a parent would like to take a photograph of their child involved in a harmonica activity, written permission must be obtained from the Harp Academy Manager and School beforehand. If a student has a mobile phone, we will insist the handset is silenced and not used during our music session. Harp Academy does not accept any responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, mobile phones brought to a harmonica session by anybody. Children must not use their mobile phone to take photographs at any Harp Academy session or event.

Filming & Photography at Harp Academy public events
Harp Academy reserves the right to take representative video footage, audio footage, and still photography of performers and audience members at its public events for publicity purposes. Any such publicity material will be for Harp Academy purposes only and will not be shared with, or sold to, third parties. We will assume by your registration and/or participation, that you are happy for us to do so.

Promotional Vouchers
From time to time Harp Academy issues promotional vouchers to existing subscribers to encourage new starters in our music groups. Each voucher may only be used once, whereupon it becomes non-transferrable. A voucher cannot be redeemed for cash.