Well done Robbie!

Junior National Harmonica Champion 2018-19

Congratulations to Robbie Nicholls in Y6 at Goldstone Primary School, who came first in the rock and pop category at this year’s national harmonica festival music competition. Robbie played Apache by the Incredible Bongo Orchestra on his new Hohner Special 20 harmonica. The tune was heavily sampled in the 1980’s as a backdrop to the emerging hip-hop music craze in America.

Listen to

Robbie used the piece to show his skills in rhythm and melody playing, as well as improvising with great trill, wah-wah and vamping technique. He also threw in the theme from a famous Western movie, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, as demonstrated here.

Listen to

We are processing some video footage of Robbie’s performance and will publish this shortly. In the meantime, well done Robbie, congratulations to his proud family and thank you to all our colleagues at Goldstone Primary School, Hove.

Elm Grove Primary School

Wilkomnen, bienvenue, welcome!

We are delighted to welcome everyone at Elm Grove Primary School, Brighton, to our harmonica community.

From Tuesday 25th September, we will be operating a weekly lunchtime Harmonica Club with Richard Taylor.

If you attend Elm Grove and would like further details, click the Gold Harmonica here on our homepage, and select the Free Taster option.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We are delighted to announce that Harp Academy has been accepted as a core member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

This year’s anti-bullying week runs from 12th-16th November 2018 and it’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’. CBeebies star and Anti-Bullying Alliance patron Andy Day, and his band Andy and the Odd Socks, are supporting the initiative by encouraging children to wear odd socks to school to show their support and raise money for a good cause. Odd Socks day is on Monday 12th November.

If you’d like help or more information about this important issue, please contact us or visit the ABA homepage at www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk

Pre-School Harmonica

Hopscotch Children’s Nurseries
During the summer term of 2018, Harp Academy piloted a Pre-School harmonica programme in collaboration with Hopscotch Nursery team on Portland Road, Hove, and sixteen of their fabulous children.

It was an amazing experience for everyone. The children learned all about arpeggio, scales, key instrument skills and the musical elements through our games and activities. They also learned to play Twinkle, Twinkle perfectly and embarked on an accompaniment to Wimoweh (The Lion Sleeps Tonight). Most of all, they learned to appreciate how much fun music education can be. Our fledgling harmonauts were unbelievable and we wish each of them well as they move into their Reception Year. (more…)

Dynamically Speaking

Laughing ChildrenHarmonica Lesson Outtakes
Today in class we were working on Dynamics; how to play loudly and softly, how to change from one to the other, and the standard notation to support everything. Our first building blocks were for piano (softly), and f for forte (loudly).  ‘So what does mf mean?’ asked the teacher, expecting one of the group to remember mezzo forte, for moderately loud. Simon’s hand went up as he answered ‘Mexican fort‘.

The teacher moved on to very loud, ff, and very quiet, pp. ‘Who can remember the term for very quiet?’ asked the teacher. ‘I know, I know‘, said Charlotte, ‘it’s pea in a cinema‘. When the chuckles died down, the teacher corrected Charlotte. ‘That’ll be pianissimo Charlotte. And who can remember the full name for the keyboard instrument we talked about?’. ‘That’s easy,’ said Jake, ‘it’s piano fortnight.’